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Welcome to the Fong Lab website!

We are a research group based in the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology. We will be officially opening our doors in June 2025.

Research summary

The Fong Research Group integrates simulation and theory to study sustainable electrochemical systems. We seek to answer fundamental questions related to transport and thermodynamics in electrolyte solutions and at electrochemical interfaces. In doing so, we hope to drive improvements in energy storage technologies (batteries and supercapacitors) as well as water treatment processes such as desalination, wastewater remediation, and ion-selective separations. Our research is largely based on molecular dynamics simulations and tools from statistical mechanics, but we also bring together techniques from continuum mechanics, quantum chemistry, and machine learning.

Join Us

We are looking to build an interdisciplinary group of scientists and engineers with a diverse set of backgrounds and expertise.

Graduate Students
  • Admitted students: Please email Kara to set up a meeting and discuss a potential research rotation. We will be accepting rotation students from the cohort starting Fall 2025.
  • Prospective students: Please apply online to the Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. More info is available here.
Postdoctoral Researchers

Please email Kara with your CV and a statement outlining your research background and interests. Positions will be available starting June 2025.

Undergraduates at Caltech

Please email Kara with an unofficial transcript, CV, and a short description of your research interests. We welcome undergraduates at all levels – no prior research experience is necessary.